Data preparation in excel is my preferred platform to sort research data and is a functional tool in recoding, transforming and cleansing messy data (Watzlaf & Forrestal, 2017). Conclusions can be formulated with calculation of regression analysis to estimate probability and forecast future events. The know-how to perform these tasks and being able to visually explain what is being told in the data is an important characteristic in becoming a data scientist. Here is an artifact that demonstrates the task of regression analysis with qualitative and quantitative data.
Cyber security and the possibility of data breaches is an issue of national security. Being prepared with a failure mode effects analysis (FMEA) is crucial in reconnaissance measures to protect personal health information. Cloud-based electronic health record systems are the most vulnerable to these types of attacks. The following is a FMEA for a cloud-based EHR cyber-attack scenario on a small community hospital.
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Reference Watzlaf, Valerie J. & Forrestal, Elizabeth J. (2017) Health informatics research methods: Principles and practice, Second edition. American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA).